Brooklyn, NY

470,000 SF


Church of God of East Flatbush
PKA Affiliates

Enterprise Green
Communities Guidelines

The project includes 530-units of affordable housing with income criteria below 80% AMI and homeless units. The residential unit mix includes 0,1,2,and 3 bedrooms distributed based on the ELLA term sheet by NYCHPD. The project is financed using 4% tax credits, HPD/ HDC bond capital and gap funds. Housing is divided into two structures that rise eleven stories, each wrapping around a rear, landscaped yard. Each residential entrance provides a secure point of entry to the residents and will be totally separate from the community facility. The development is located in a moderate density urban environment with an existing public transportation network and a wide range of established community and retail services on Linden Boulevard. The green design is based on the Enterprise Green Communities Guidelines, and features enhancements to the neighborhood fabric as well as site environmental improvements. Water efficiency is achieved using low flow fixtures and a reduction by 35%. Materials and finishes will integrate re-usable and recyclable content, and incorporate local and regional sources within 500 miles from the site. Enhancing indoor environmental quality is one of the top priorities of this project by using low emitting materials and improving indoor ventilation.